Thursday, September 19, 2013

TiGGy & The Fidelina GLoW Fairy's WeLCome HoMe Dance!

Dance'nZ Wids Me FAEbies!
 "WynKen, BlynKen, Ans NoD" 
GoTs Da Move's!
LuV, TiGGy ans Da FAEbies


  1. Hi Tiggy! LOL, love the Faebie's names! It hasn't taken them long to settle right in! The last picture reminds me of an alien abduction scene from a film! ☺ (Apologies to the Faebies!!) Kind regards, Brian.

  2. Beautiful outfits! Now that's stlylin'. Where can I purchase some like that?
    Can't get over the posing possibilities. The glow pic is epic!
