Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TiGGy, ByGBy, Baby Pearlie & PeePs CamPing At 
CaCaPon ResorT StaTe ParK
All ToGether's Under We FaveMosT Tree
 In's We RoomyMosT TyGBy Travel Cabin
LooK At Me Baby Pearlie 
Ride'nZ She New Pony
 YePs Baby Pearlie YoU GoTs Dis!
 We FounDs A New Family T.V. Too's!
 Ahhh ByGBy Me LuV, 
Da SweeTMosT Mountain AiR….
 GnomeyK KeeP'nZ A SafeMosT Eye
 On Baby Pearlie
 YePs Dis Be's Da LiFe...
 TiGGy My Love You Picked A Beautiful Spot
 TaNKs Ya ByGBy Me LuV
WoW Baby Pearlie!
Hi-YO SilverMosT!!!
LuV, TiGGy, ByGBy, 
Baby Pearlie Bunksies ans CreW


  1. Looks like you really lucked out on the great weather! Beautiful location under that huge tree. Pearlie really puts that pretty horse through it's paces.

    1. TaNKs Ya AnonyPeeP - YePs Twere a BeautyMosT SpoT ans Baby Pearlie GoTs StyleMosTs on's She Pony! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  2. You are very lucky camping with all the toys. I bet that pony gave rides all day.
    I hope you had plenty of food.
    Wow in Australia we don't take televisions camping. You are very spoilt.
    Hugs Wilbur

    1. HiYa Wilbur - YeP Fairys Do Know How's Ta Camp In's StyleMosT! Baby Pearlies Pony LuVs Ta Give Rides. YePs We GoTs Berry Good EaTs! Tee Hee BouTs Da TV - HooK'nZ Up Da Cable Be's a Doozy! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  3. This has to be the best camping time ever! TiGGy and family are just having to much fun.

    1. TaNKs Ya Brini - So HaPPy YoU EnJoYed It Along Wids Us! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  4. Looks like fun, under the favorite tree! What a luxurious "tent" you guys have!!!

    1. YeP NightOwl - We Found a GreaT SpoT ans Da TyGBy Travel Cabin's Jus Like Home! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  5. Hello from Spain: nice house under the tree and surrounded by nature. It is a luxury. Great furniture. Lovely pics. Keep in touch

    1. TaNKs Ya Marta - YeP, We Had a GreatMosT Time - So HaPPy Ya EnJoY'd Too's! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  6. Hi Tiggy! Yay! Go Baby Pearlie!! She's a natural rider! I love your retro TV, but where do you plug it in? Or does it run on faerie dust??
    Kind regards, Brian.
