Thursday, September 4, 2014

TiGGy and Family On Labor Day Weekend Holiday

Labor DaY WeeKenD In's 
Berkeley Springs West Virginia
America's Firstliest Spa!
Hads Me SpeZialMosT Dragon Pufflet Wids Me For Da Adventures!
ByGBy, Baby Pearlie Ans Me 
Slept Under Da Stars 
In's We TyGBy Travel Cabin
 Baby Pearlie LuVs DaT Mountain Air
Sometimes We Slept Inside
ByGBy Sure GoTs Me Glow GO'nZ...
We TooK LoTsa FamilyMosT Drives 
Thru Da Mountains
We LuVs We Rose Royce!
In's Da Park Service Spa
 I LuV'd Da Roman Bath
 Berkeley Springs Hot Mineral Springs
 Be FamousMosT Healthy!
Ya Floats Ans Jus RelaxMosT
In's Da Warm Spring Waters
Ans We GoTs Chill'nZ Mineral Waters Too's!
Outside In's Da ParK Ya RuN InTo Washington DC PeePs
I GoTs Ta MeeT President Abraham Lincoln!
More's Ta Come PeePs!
LuV, TiGGy


  1. What a great trip! Sounds like a step back in time if Honest Abe was there. I can't believe your afternoon delight glow, TiGGy!!

    1. YePs and we are going BaCK Too!!! Tee Hee BouTs Me AfterGloW…. ;)
      LuV, TiGGy

  2. Hi Tiggy! That looks like the perfect way to relax, and it's big enough to get your whole family in there! Nice to see you making full use of the travel cabin and the Rose Royce!
    The spa, the mountain air and mineral water must be good for you, President Lincoln looks really good for his age!!
    Kind regards, Brian.

    1. YeP HairyPeeP -Da Waters Must Be MagicalMosT - Abe Lincoln sure gots me Heart a FlutterMosT!
      TanKs Ya for EnJoY'nZ Da FuN! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  3. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. TiGGy. Baby Perlie is worn out.

    1. YeP Brini - Baby Pearlie GoTs All Tuckered OuTs Wids All Da FuN!
      TaNks Ya For EnJoY'nZ! ~ LuV, TiGGy
