Thursday, December 12, 2013

TiGGy's Cabin Presents DaY 12 Lego Advent 2013 "City / Star Wars / Friends"

YaY PeePs LeGo DaY 12 ~ All Caught UPs!
We GoTs A "City" Xmas Tree!
Ta PuTs Baby Pearlie's "Friends" Presents
Ans ByGBy GoTs "Star Wars" 
Republic Dropship
 LooKs Like A BiG Ole Angel
For's We Tree!
HaPPyMosT HollyDaZe PeePs!
LuV, TiGGy, ByGBy ans Baby Pearlie


  1. Congrats on getting caught up. I can see ByGBy really loves his Star Wars gems!

  2. Yay! Up to date, that was a bit of a marathon posting session! Cute little tree and some nice prezzies! Bygby's collection is going to outgrow the cabin very quickly! Kind regards, Brian.
