Saturday, October 26, 2013

TiGGy w/ Mystery Baby Bleu, Pinkie Flying Whale and the FAEbies

Mystery Baby Bleu Broughts Me A PreZZie!
 Me Very OwnliesT Pinkie Fly'nZ Whale!
 Da FAEbies Came's Ta Share Da JoYoUs!
 TANKs Ya Neffie BaBY For Me Beauties!!!
 PaRtY TiME PeePs!!!
 YePs We Be's A ColorfuLLMosT Bunch
 Ons Dis BeautyMosT DaY
 See Pinkie's FLY'nZ Fins?!
 EaTs Yer HearTs OuT SEEWorld!
 We GoTs Dis!
 Ans We LuVs Ta Share Da JoY!
TANKs PeePs! LuV, TiGGy ans Crew!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank You Serenata - They have been having a ToN of FuN together :)
      TiGGy and Crew Send LuV to YoU!

  2. Hi Tiggy! Thanks for sharing the joy! You have a cute little whale and a lot of colorful friends! Nice scarf in the background by the way! Kind regards, Brian.

    1. Thank YoU Brian - I actually knitted those scarves myself! They do manage to get caught on EversTinGs LOL!!!
      TiGGs Loves her Pinkie Whale and has been giving the FAEbies rides
      TiGGy sends LuV ans TANKs! :)

  3. I've seen everything when I see a whale fly!! What a delightful creature. Love all the colors. That Mystery Baby is quite a looker.

    1. TANKs Ya AnonyPeeP - YeP Me Mystery Baby Bleu Be's GlamFabulousMosT ans I LuV me Pinkie Whale - Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
      LuV, TiGGy

  4. Ohhh Tiggy voce e seus amigos sao fantasticos...beijos.

    1. Obrigado Duende do - Tiggy pensa tê-lo como um amigo é fantástico - Abraços e Amor, Tiggy
