Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We OfficialMosT White House Easter Eggs Hatched!
 We GoTs PeePs
We Whole Family GoTs Chickie PeePs!
 VampFae Sageling Ans Phaedra GoTs Lil Chickies!
 Baby Pearlie, Tootsie Bear ans Lambie 
GoTs ColorFullMosT PeePs 
Zephyr's BO Egg Hatched A STinkY!
 Zephyr LuVs She STinKY So DaTs PerfectMosT!
 YePs Colorful Yolks Be Colorful Folks!
 DanGs FineMosT HauL 
 From's Da 2013 White House 
 Easter Egg RoLL!
 Baby Pearlie LuVs Da Colorful'Z!
 HaPPy Spring
 FroM's We PeePs
To All's Da PeePs!!!
LuV, TiGGy, ByGBy, Baby Pearlie, 
Phaedra, VampFae Sageling, Zephyr
Tigglet, Mouselet, Tootsie Bear ans Lambie


  1. TiGGy always has the colorfulmost Peeps! Who sat on the eggs until they hatched? Love watching all her adventures.

    1. TANKs Ya AnonyPeeP - We took turns wids da colorful most eggs till day hatched, but Zephyr watched her BO egg all hersef - TANKs for EnJoY'nZ Me Adventures! LuV, TiGGy

  2. What a beautiful, colorful family!!

    1. TANKs Ya AnonyPeeP! I LuVs me Family Too's, ans we Do Be's a RiotMosT O ColorFulls! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  3. Lotz of colour peeps indeed! What fun and everyone looks super happy!

    1. TANKs Ya Dear Serenata - YePs we Be Have'nZ Fun Wids Da Chickies - So HaPPy Ya Came's Ta Visit ans EnYoYed It's! ~ LuV, TiGGY

  4. That looks like it was one EGGciting day! I love the Stinky, it's so cute! Does it stink?? With it being small, roundish and brown...or am I reading too much into it?☺

    1. YAY HairyPeeP - Indeed It were EGGciting - I jus LuV Good Yolks! Tee Heeeeee!!! Da Stinky is from da BO egg so it may well be StinkyMost - Dog eggs, ya know?! Zephyr jus LuVs she Stinky Tho so there just do be all sorts a Fairy's! TANKs for EnJoY'nZ Da FuN! ~ LuV, TiGGY

  5. Hi Tiggy, thank you for your sweet comment on my Blog :)
    You have a cute colourful family, it looks so lovely !!

    Hugs Mieke xxx

    1. TANKs for da VisiT Mieke, I LuVs me ColorfulMosT Family Too's! Hope's Ya Come Back ans EnJoY LoTs More AdventureZ ~ LuV, TiGGy
