Saturday, March 3, 2012

And Now A SpeZialMost Guestie TreaT - NewBjder shares da story of New Life's!

Naddy: "I beez ridin my new bike today coz dere's no snow. Hey! Who puts that pile of junk on my new garden bench?"
Wait. . .this ain't no junk. . .this beez a. . .Hello! Whatz ya doin in my yard?
Sleepin! Go away!
Who are you? You gotz a name?
Got none, don't want none! Leave me alone!
Gonna rain today-you're gonna get wet! C'mon inta my house where it's warm and dry.
I gotz cookies!

My guardian's gonna love you!
She ain't gonna put me ina box ona shelf, is she?
Oh, no! New clothes, toys, all the cookies ya want, and lotsa love!
Well, maybe for a few minutes. . .

You said cookies-nothin bout a bath!
Phew! You stink! Hold still while I scrubs ya wid dis sponge!
NewBjder: Yes, Naddy is rescuing the homeless. . .homeless FF's that is. . .so, without further ado, Naddy and I want you to meet her newmost, bestest friend. . .Wiara!
Look, Opal Anne, Emmie, RiverMyst and TiGGy, I ain't alone no more!

***Peace OuT, Homie Peeps!***

ConGratuJubilaTionZ Wiara Ons Yer New Life and Home Wids Naddy and NewBjder - I LuVs Yer Story! ~ LuV TiGGy

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