I'ms Writin Askins for Yer Helps.
ToGethers We CaNs MaKe A Difference!
Here is da story of me pal Patty-Pan. She is a young girl whos Granny paid for her special doll on Sept 11, 2009. The doll never came, tho promised many times.
It were too lates for da granny to gets her monies back, and da girl just kepsted hoping dat her doll would comes. But it never did.
A few dolls made it out, an I wantsed at least one girl not to lose out on what are jus da lastmost of there ever being anymore.
So I starteds a fundraising so one last girl will get one of the last doll peeps dat ever mades it out da cabinet.
Dis Ophelia Licorice doll is being held at Denver Doll Emporium
and da monies are being collected via Luxour-Academy to help Patty Pan gets her doll via dis website set up special so one last good ting can come of all dis terrible saddness ans loss.
Anytings you can donates will help bring one last girl her so hoped for doll.
Please follow dis Link to Da Spezial Page to Helps;
Lets Us Togethersome Do WhaTs We CaN.

Specialmost TANKS to Denver Doll Emporium ans Luxour Academy for dere Generous Helpings Us!