Friday, June 27, 2014

To Bee's!
Ans LoTsa Bee's!
Visited SweeT Bee Apiary
 Ta Learn All BouTs Bee's
 From's We Local Award Winning Apiary
 HomeGrown Natural Goodies
 Times Ta HuG Steve
 Its OK I Only STinG A Lil BiTs
GoTs LoTsa Honey TreaTs
Ans Visited Da Apiary
 Jus Past Da Treeline PeePs!
 Ta GeTs ReadyMosT ~ CanTs WaiT!
For Me Incoming 
"Bee WithMe"
Tiny 9cm GLoWie Ball Jointed Doll
By Charles Stephan 
Charles Creature Cabinet
  Bee LuV PeePs ~ LuV, TiGGy


  1. Steve looks a little worried about holding TiGGy. Imagine that, after handling all those bees all the time. What a sweet place!

  2. Tiggy did you get to taste that yummy honey. I would love to visit that place.
    Hugs Wilbur

  3. Hi Tiggy! Awww! How cute is 'Bee With Me'!! I would love to visit an apiary (especially now I know what they're called!!) You visit the most interesting places!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  4. I have been missing out on alot of TiGGy adventures. So much good information too!
