Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mo AdventureZ At'Z Me FaVoriTeMosT Dolly Shop - Fabric Friends And Dolls!

Where O Where Ta Starts?! LoTsa ReMent Ans Dollheart GoodieZ For Me PeePs On's Me Shop'nZ LisT Ans LoTsA Dolly BJD PeePs Ta VisiTs

HanG'nZ Wids Me Dollmore Cutie PeePs

Leeke, Dollheart Ans Dollmore

Lalaloopsy's, Obitsu, Mini Ans BiG Pullips Too's!

Angry Birds?! I'll Show Ya's An Angry Bird if Ya KeePs InterupptinZ Me Shop'nZ!

Raurencio Studio's Vampire J - SWere'WolF! Who Ya Kidd'nZ Jacob?! - SwooooooN!

YePs, I Be Marrieds - NoTs Dead!

It's Jus ToO EXcitinG Here's At's Fabric Friends Dolls - I Jus Can'Ts Be StiLL! WhaddYa MeaNs We GoTTa Go Home?!

Ans For Me SpezialMosT PreZziE

I GoTs Me Ownliest Hello Kitty Policey Kitty Ta HuGs On's!

Happiness Be's A Warm's Policey Hello Kitty - Squeee!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ahhh Me DearMosT Indigo Pony LuV...

Indigo Pony LuV <3

GoTs Some SpezialMosT New SteamPunky Ride'nZ Boots From Indigo Ta Ride's Me Indigo Pony Wids!

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Me BeautyMosT Indigo PonY Were Mades By Me DearMosT PeeP Indigo

Indigo Pony LuV <3 p="">

Me BeautyMosT Indigo PonY Were Mades By Me DearMosT PeeP Indigo

We GoTs A SpeZialMosT Bond ToGeTherZ

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Jus Take's A LeaP On's!

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Wanna Come's Ride's Wids?

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Ahhh's Da JoYouS!

Indigo Pony LuV <3

We Be One's ToGetherZ

Indigo Pony LuV <3

EverTinGs Be ShinyMosT

Indigo Pony LuV <3

ALLs Da Whirld Be's In's PerSpectacle's From's Up's Here's

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Ans We RiDe InTo's LiFe ToGeTherZ

Indigo Pony LuV <3

GiDDy YePPerZ!

Indigo Pony LuV <3

Thursday, May 24, 2012

MO LiVeMosT Vacation UpDaTeZ From's We Intrepid PeePs Fiona Ans Miri!

Fiona At's Disney Hollywood Studio - Wheee!!!

Fiona Ans Miri's BiGMosT Florida AdvenTureZ!

Miri GoTs EpCoTs!

Fiona Ans Miri's BiGMosT Florida AdvenTureZ!

DanGs FineMosT ReporT'nZ Fiona Ans Miri!

It be's really dark here at nights. No lights allowed.

Fiona Ans Miri's BiGMosT Florida AdvenTureZ!

That's so's the baby sea turtles can find's their ways to the ocean when they hatch.

Fiona Ans Miri's BiGMosT Florida AdvenTureZ!

There be's a nest right by our condo. Wish we could see's them hatching.

Fiona Ans Miri's BiGMosT Florida AdvenTureZ!

I ReaaaaLLY Wanna Takes Me ByGby Ans Baby Pearlie Ta Disney....

Ans Ride Da Baby Sea Turtles Into's Da Ocean Too's...