Friday, September 30, 2011
I Done gone all Nekkie ta sends da Mostest Energy from's me Healin Pyramid outs to me Pal Tiggs!

Gets Yer GlowButt Homes SoonMost! - LuV, ans a few Stompies ~ Minette
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Latest Update On TiGGy at the Spa - Rupert is Ready To ROLL, but According to Razzy;

"Tiggy is way too stubborn to ride on the gurney "I gotz DIS!"
Saturday, September 24, 2011

TiGGy askeds me ta keeps da Peeps updateds.

She saids she were ReadyMost ans for Da Peeps ta Keeps *Da FaithMosts!*

Jus Gots Word she arriveds SafeMost
ans WowZ, to a Welcome Hootenany Wids Razzy, Rupert, Kumi ans da WholeMost Gang!
Tanks Peeps!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Now Im's Off Ta SPA For Me FiXinZ

Me Bloggie Will Be Updated Daily Wids Some PiX I Saved For Ya's, ans Some Helps From Me Peeps DoinZ Guestie Spots So Stays Tunesd Peeps! LuV~TiGGy
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Yo Ho Ho Peeps It Be's InterNationals TALK LIKEs A PIRATEy DAY! So Muster Ups Ya SkAllyWagglerZ Ans Sing Da PirateMost Song Wids Me Ans Cappy Jack Sparrow!

The Derelict Fifteen men on the dead man's chest Drink and the devil had done for the rest. The mate was fixed with the bosun's pike and the bosun brained with a marlin-spike. Cookie's throat was marked belike It had been clutched by fingers ten. And there they lay, all good dead men, Like break o' day in a boozing den Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Fifteen men of the whole ship's list Dead and bedamned and the rest gone whist The skipper lay with his nob in gore Where the scullion's axe his cheek had shore, And the scullion he'd been stabbed times four And there they lay, and the soggy skies Dripped all day long up staring eyes By murk sunset and by foul sunrise-- Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! Fifteen men of 'em stiff and stark Ten of the crew bore the murder mark 'Twas a cutlass swipe or an ounce of lead, Or a yawning hole in a battered head, And the scuppers glut of a rotting red. And there they lay, aye, damn my eyes, Their lookouts clapped on Paradise, And their souls bound just contrariwise-- Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! Fifteen men of 'em good and true Every man jack could 'a sailed with Old Pew There was chest on chest full of Spanish gold, And a ton of plate in the middle hold, And the cabins riot with loot untold-- And there they lay that had took the plum, With sightless glare and lips struck dumb, While we shared all by the rule o' thumb-- Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! More was seen through the stern light screen Charting, no doubt, where a woman had been A flimsy shift on a bunker cot With a thin dirk slot through the bosom spot And the lace stiff dry with a purplish blot-- Oh, was she a wench, some shuddering maid-- That dared the knife and took the blade-- By God, she was tough for a plucky jade-- Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! Fifteen men on the Dead Man's chest, Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! Drink and the Devil had done for the rest, Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum! We wrapped them all in a mainsail tight, With twice ten turns of hawser's bight. And we heaved 'em over and out of sight, With a yo-heave-ho and a fare-ye-well, A sudden plunge in a sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell-- Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011

I done drew a crowd - which do happens...Ans SuddenMost Gots Ta Meet a New Peep - Ciela!

Aints She BeautyMosts!
Ciela be's da Guardian ofs Nezumi_Mouse
I also gots ta meet xxBrittox, but DaGNaBitsALLs she dint have none of her HunkyMost Iplehouse Mens wids her...
Oh wells...I do be marrieds...
Ciela sats wids me ans Evandra

ans we Socialifieds during me sittins,

well, standins for me portait

Ciela Also Gots Her PiXture Mades!

LookinZ FabMost Ciela!

Now Dats Be ART!

We Be's Alls ImMortalFieds!!!

You can Haves Yer Ownliest Pixtures Mades by Jim Rehak by sendins yer piX to rehak9865@comcast.net