Thursday, October 23, 2014

TiGGy VisiTs Da National Gallery Of ArT
 In's Washington D.C.
  Feature'nZ Titian ans Andrew Wyeth
Jus GoTTa LuV ITs ALL Free To Da PeePs!
 YePs I Saids ~ FrEE Ta ALL Visitors
 PeePs FroM All Over Da Whirld!
AnS Ya CaN PLaY!
 LooK Pufflet Me MagicMosT Dragon
 We CaN Go EverWhere's Ans See ArT
 Up Close Ans PersonalMosT
 Ans Revel In's Da SuN!
 O BeautyMosT InspirationZ!
 One More TinG Before We Go Inside...
Gotta Check OuTs Me Reflection
 YePs, I Jus Do Be's A WorK O ArT
 I CaN Make Faces 
 Ans Dere I Be's
 Hi TiGGy!
 YePs We GoTs Dis!
 I LuVs Ya! - GoTTa Go!
 Oh LooK!
 ITs A SiGN!
Wyeth NoT Dance?!
 OK LeTs Go InSide!
 StaY Tuned For Da TouR PeePs!
 ~ LuV, TiGGy


  1. Love seeing you out and about in DC! Outstanding standing on the cobblestone! The inner reflection pics are GREAT!

  2. Hi Tiggy, can't wait to do the tour! The Glass Mirror Pavillion is awesome, and so are you :-) xx

  3. Wow, are getting close to my neck of the woods. Have a great time exploring!

  4. Dear Tiggy, you can see how pretty you are in that glass. Enjoy your tour, and tell us all about it.
    Hugs Wilbur

  5. Hi Tiggy! It looks like you're having a lot of fun before you even get inside! Of course you're already a work of art, so I'm glad you can appreciate yourself! I look forward to seeing what you get up to inside, just don't *Stomp* too much!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  6. TiGGy been having all kinds of fun! I see the celebration was the place to be and it was the best day ever. I do love the crown but the gifts were the best!
