Friday, October 31, 2014

HaPPyMosT HalloweeN PeePs!
 We GoTs A BiTs O EverTinGs Ta Scare Ya!
 ClowNs, Haunted Houses, Skelly's
 DonTs DrinKs Da Punch PeePs!
 We Also GoTs LoTs O PunKinS!
 FroMs Wee Lil PunKies
 Ta PunKin GianTs
Ta GianTMosT PunKiNZ!
 Jus GoTTa LuVs HalloWeenie!
 Even ShoP'nZ CaN Be a TriP!
EverOne WanTs Ta LenD A HanD!
NoT Sure How Dis Be's An Incentive….
 BuTs Ya Sure GoTTa HanD It To Em
 Do Be's Ghoulish!
 OK PuTs Me DowN!
NexT We GoTs Dia De Muertos
 DaY O Da DeaD Festy!
 Where's Ya DanCe
Ans Pray For Da DeaDs.
 CoZ Da Veil BetweeN Da Whirlds 
Be ThinMosT
 Which BrinGs Us Ta Trick Or TreaTerZ!
 Dis Be's Me Neighbor PeeP SaLLy 
 SaLLy Be's a Nefer Kane Lemur
 Customized So She GeTs Candy
 DonTs Ya KnoW Its Rude Ta Jus Stare!
AnS TreaT!
LuV, TiGGy

Thursday, October 23, 2014

TiGGy VisiTs Da National Gallery Of ArT
 In's Washington D.C.
  Feature'nZ Titian ans Andrew Wyeth
Jus GoTTa LuV ITs ALL Free To Da PeePs!
 YePs I Saids ~ FrEE Ta ALL Visitors
 PeePs FroM All Over Da Whirld!
AnS Ya CaN PLaY!
 LooK Pufflet Me MagicMosT Dragon
 We CaN Go EverWhere's Ans See ArT
 Up Close Ans PersonalMosT
 Ans Revel In's Da SuN!
 O BeautyMosT InspirationZ!
 One More TinG Before We Go Inside...
Gotta Check OuTs Me Reflection
 YePs, I Jus Do Be's A WorK O ArT
 I CaN Make Faces 
 Ans Dere I Be's
 Hi TiGGy!
 YePs We GoTs Dis!
 I LuVs Ya! - GoTTa Go!
 Oh LooK!
 ITs A SiGN!
Wyeth NoT Dance?!
 OK LeTs Go InSide!
 StaY Tuned For Da TouR PeePs!
 ~ LuV, TiGGy