Wednesday, September 26, 2012

YePs I Fell Ans Busted Me Ear

Real Life Jus Do Have's We UP's Ans KerfuffleZ. ITs OK, I GoTs Dis!


  1. Tiggz, you just gotz to have some excitement now & then…
    Did you getz some good pain medz at leastmost??

  2. I Hads Ta give All's me pain Meds to me Lil Dollie coz da Folks FreaKifieds Ans me teenymost dolly fell all da way to da me poor wee dolly GoTs ALLs da Meds so she Coulds be Wids me for da Surgicals. We both be OK's Now - Da Folks Coulds Use MeDs NowZ Tho

  3. You need to start wearing your wingz maybe?
    We so glad you got dat!!!!!

  4. Hello from Spain: Tiggy is very pretty with the hat. I really like the color. I am sorry fell and busted your ear.We keep in touch.

  5. Tiggy, it's me, Nilla. I sorry you busted you ear. Next time I sees you, I give it a kissy and make itz all better for suremost, k? I luvs you, Tiggy! Bez careful wid yourself, k?

  6. Hi Tiggy, dis time itz mez, Amberly Willow. Do like Nilla sayz and bez carefulmost wid yourself, k? I wuvs you too, Tiggy!

  7. Oh Wow - I missed all these Sweet Comments!

    Thank you so Much Marta, she really is OK now!

    LOL Argentto - wings might be a Very Good idea!

    Amberly Willow and Dear Nilla - TiGGy is very touched by your sweet kissies and caring ans LuVs YoUs HuGeMosTs!!!
