Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ivanny were kinds enuffs ta lets us use her Kitchens
"Medic PuuuhleeeeeeZE!"

I brungs me EntireMost crew, gotta feeds da Peeps!

Da Piggies Were PleasedMost NOTs ta be Entree's

Da Babies were's HappyMost ta Be's Playin wids Lots O LuVins

EverBuddies Was Hungries ans Eagersly Waitsin!

Meanwhiles We Were's BusyMost Ins Ivanny's Kitchen.

Cookin SqueeZ Be's a FineMost Art

Ans, as wids all Art, Dere Jus Do Be Opinions...

Bein's an Artist, I done listened to Everyones...


 Ans Done Me OWNs Ting!

Happy TANKsGivins Peeps!!!

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