Thursday, December 12, 2013

TiGGy's Cabin Presents DaY 9 Lego Advent 2013 "City / Star Wars / Friends"

HaPPyMosT LeGo DaY 9 PeePs!
Snoopy's SiT'nZ On's We "City" Park Bench
Baby Pearlie GoTs "Friends" Ummm, Stuffs...
ByGBy GoTs "Star Wars" Rebel Assault Ship!
HaPPyMosT HollyDaZe PeePs!
LuV, TiGGy, ByGBy ans Baby Pearlie


  1. Pearlie,
    I wonder if that is to hold beauty products, hairbrush, etc. ByGBy is making a real haul with Star Wars collectibles.

  2. Hi Tiggy! The friends thing is definitely a container for something...The Star Wars micro ships are getting bigger, Bygby will be very happy! Kind regards, Brian.
